Big Data - Hadoop Based Analytics

Positive Group has strong organizational focus and projects leveraging Hadoop for Big Data Analysis. Since Facebook and Yahoo have utilized Hadoop for there data implementation, it has become an interesting technology for data analytics

Positive Group has so far deployed Hadoop in image index building, pattern recognitions, creating conclusion engines and analysis – with data generated at a very high volume. Positive Group has succesfully built batch-processing component with capabilities to handle asynchronous jobs with distributed processing nature.

Hadoop, using HDMS and mapReduce jobs is slowly replacing ETL entirely. This model along with intelligent use of Cloud Computing can increase processing speed dramatically, and improve the manageability and accuracy of huge data. We have team members who have worked on projects like Apache Fume, Sqoop, Zookeeper, Pig, Hadoop Distributed File System and Map Reduce. Positive Group Technology along with its strong knowledge of cloud computing technologies, uses Hadoop to handle Big Data projects.

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